Monday, January 09, 2006

About Photo #10

I like this shot becuase it illustrates several key "super details" that were worked into the terrain base.

Noteworthy details include:

A) Submerged river rock, debris, and leaves. While I muddied up the Envirotex water with some tint, it was poured in successive layers with the final two layers left absolutely clear or tintless as to reveal the stream and stream bed contents closest to the surface.

B) The snow-capped rock on the water's edge is one of my favorite details, I don't know why, I just think it looks great.

C) The brambles and bare vines are tiny root tendrils and horse hair, I think this turned out nicely and is representative of the winter vegetation on the base.

D) Just look at the receding ice along the stream's edge! It was difficult to match the water edge with the ice surface . . . but I think it turned out fairly realistic-looking.


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