Monday, January 09, 2006

About Photo #9

Snow, really good looking snow, on a scale model terrain base or diorama requires good technique. I agonized over whether or not I wanted a blanket of snow to cover the scene or to create a "day or two after the snow event" look. I settled on the latter because I wanted enough of the terrain to show to keep the composition interesting.

My decision to go with a day-after snow theme was both a help and a hindrance. It afforded me an opportunity to use a wet mixture that could be applied in small areas at my whim and leisure. Controlling the effects and distributing the mixture "just right" proved to be the biggest challenge. I worked a few square inches at a time, taking many breaks, and pondering just how dense and depth was really needed to be convincing. I adhered to an "afternoon sun" melt tendency and made sure bare spots and snow depths reflected the effects of sun melt. It was daunting at first, but once I got into it, it was actually fun!

IMHO, the snow looks fantastic . . . compared to some snow scenes I've seen at model shows and published photos. Working it into and around the vegetation was a challenge and very time consuming. The photo below tells the story of what can be done with a wet snow mix (Woodland Scenics Snow, white glue, and acrylic paste).


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